Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dugsi Cancelled

There will be no dugsi on Saturday July 26, the house will be unavailable.Dugsi will resume on August 02,2008.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17 ,2008


Here are this week's questions:

1) What happens in the grave?

2) Write Life story of Abu Hurairah

Abu Hurairah story check here:


3) What are the signs of the Munafiqin


Monday, June 2, 2008


Here are the questions we discussed in tha DUGSI. Please sumbit your research on June 14 ,2008


Research Question

  1. Define: Mu’min, Kafir, Munafiq, and Shahadah?
  2. What two things make a person Muslim?
  3. Explain why Islam is not based on a race or ethnic group?
  4. What is the difference between a kafir and a munafiq?
  5. How important is prayer to the Muslim identity?
  6. Memorize the words of the basic shahdah formula in Arabic and English: Ashadu an laa ilaha ill Allah wa ashadu ana Mohammed rasul allah or I declare that there is no god but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of Alla
  7. Why is it important for Muslims to avoid associating with the kuffar according to 8:73?
  8. What are the signs of a hypocrite? How does that relate to the message in the Quran contained in 14:24-26
  9. According to 8:20-23 what should a Muslim do and what do hypocrites do?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 06,2008

This is 2 week project.Please bring your summary to the Dugsi on 17-05-2008. START READING FROM NOW,


Saturday, April 26, 2008